24H Pull-ups Challenge

I shared something in common with those kids who lived on the street and victims of human trafficking that Blue Dragon helped. We all were in the dark time and tried our best to find the light at the end of the tunnel. 

After losing my job 2 times in 6 months right before my 40th birthday, I went to search for the meaning of the next chapter in my life. It’s really hard for me to start over again.

Fitness, exactly hardcore fitness, was the tool to help me move forward. That's why I loved to do fitness challenges like this. So I just combined my love for fitness and my empathy with Blue Dragon’s mission and its beneficiaries.

Supporting others while doing my best to build my life gives me a sense of purpose. Sometimes, thinking about street kids living under bridges motivates me to keep going. 

You can join the mission of Blue Dragon to support street kids and human trafficking’s victims by donating just 1$ to this fundraising campaign or giving a hand to share it via your network.

For donation, you can transfer to Blue Dragon account below or using payment option in this page:

Bank Name: Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam JSC (BIDV), Transaction Center 3 Branch

Account Number: 1600086501

Account Name: Blue Dragon International

Address: 20 Hang Tre street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi


Message (required): 24h pullups + your name

Or join me on this journey by:

  • Do 10 or more pull-ups 
  • Taking picture or record your training
  • Post on your socia media channels with hashtag #supportbluedragon #24hpullupchallenge #24hpullupfundraising 

Honour Roll

“Best wishes to Blue Dragon”


John Pham
Aug 21, 2024
Hà Nội, VN

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24H Pull-ups Challenge

1 donor
1 day left

Fundraiser created by
Nhon Pham


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